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We're pleased to be a headline sponsor at this year’s Changemakers Illuminate, hosted by The Marketing Society.
Get in touch
Ben Holland
Senior Business Development Director, Kantar Insights
The Innovator's Advantage
A comprehensive guide to growth through meaningfully different innovation. What gives brands the innovators advantage? What makes an innovation meaningfully different? What are the barriers to growth through innovation? Why did innovations such Google Glass fail whilst Soft Pitta bread generated 8.9M in sales when launched in the UK?

Brand Strategy Unpacked
Build brand value through consistent, meaningful difference. There is now undeniable evidence that great brand strategy has the potential to influence not just sales, but business value and resilience. This booklet has been designed as a celebration of brand strategy.

A Culture of Learning
Creating a culture of learning as a catalyst for brand growth. By actively building up a Culture of Learning, an organisation empowers its people and grows its collective brain

Navigating Uncertainty
Shifting from 'prediction' to 'preparation' to stay future-fit with four Future-proof Mindsets and downloadable toolkit to help your brand thrive in uncertain times.

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Explore our latest and greatest thought leadership to inspire your team.
To learn more about how your sector stacks up on Sustainability, click here, and to explore how to get advertising equality right, click here
To see Kantar’s view on the best Media mix, click here, and to explore our predictions for the 2024 Media Landscape, click here.
To read our latest on Artificial Intelligence, click here, and to catch up on our collaborative research with TikTok, click here.