The stakes for getting marketing effectiveness right have never been higher. Investments are getting bigger, digital spend is growing and yet there is a huge disparity between the winners and losers. Our mission is to progress the industry’s understanding of what marketing effectiveness is, and equip marketers with practical guidance and inspiration to help them succeed. We build lasting partnerships with clients to drive sustained improvement in marketing effectiveness capability, helping them connect the long and short in practice.
The Marketing
Effectiveness Toolkit
A connected framework that guides marketing effectiveness strategy, planning and insight optimisation.
This new study supported by Kantar – the second edition of the report – in part continues the work of the first, tracking how the landscape has changed in the past year. But more importantly, it explores new narratives around effectiveness, placing it explicitly within some of today’s biggest marketing conversations – the optimal media mix, the importance of creativity, marketers’ role in delivering sales and profit, and perhaps most notably, how brands balance short-term and long-term growth priorities under acute economic pressures.
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Brand tracking
Ad testing
Evaluate and optimise your creative with powerful, fast and flexible solutions for digital, TV and static ads.
Digital ad testing
Make your marketing work harder for your brand.
Maximise your marketing effectiveness.