How can brands stand out and innovate in inflationary times? How can innovations be meaningfully different in a crowded marketplace? And what is the secret to successful innovation?

In this webinar, we will celebrate innovative brands worldwide and show what meaningfully different innovation looks like. We draw on our global Kantar BrandZ and Brand Footprint databases, interviews with leading innovators and market trends from DX Analytics to identify the winning brands and uncover their secrets to success.

Our awards cover food, beverages, financial services, personal care, technology and lifestyle.

You will get practical guidance and be inspired by data-driven use cases on how innovation can shape the brands of tomorrow. We give a standing ovation to innovative brands, global and local, that consistently use innovation as a lever for growth.

Register to find out:

  • Outstanding innovation winners from 2022
  • How our winners have used innovation to grow their brands
  • What makes innovation meaningfully different
  • What great innovation looks like in different categories

And join the live Q&A at the end of the session.

Session 1: 9am UK time

Session 2: 3pm UK time

Nidhi Rustagi

Product Director

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Dr Nicki

Global Innovation Lead, Kantar

Anita Watkins

Global Head of Innovation

We’re passionate about innovation at Kantar and would love to talk to you about your innovation challenges.

Get in touch