Omnibus Research

Get answers to your business questions in as little as 24 hours with our omnibus services. Available in over 50 markets.

Want to learn more?


Underpinned by Kantar’s quality assured data collection methods, our suite of omnibus solutions gives you fast, accurate and affordable access to your target audiences – population, kids, over 50s and more. Get advice and consultancy from Kantar on setup and results when needed.

Key features

Informed decisions

Understand your customers and make informed business decisions, with easy access to thousands of consumers in 52 markets.

Trusted experts

Kantar specialists ensure quality questionnaire design, provide expert advice and troubleshoot problems.

Flexible and fast

Run your survey, your way. Access representative or targeted groups in just 24-48 hours.

More information

GB Online

Reach an audience of 1,200 adults aged 16+ in Great Britain, or target sub-groups such as users or buyers of products, quickly and cost-effectively. With 2 surveys available each week, we can deliver results in just 3 working days.

GB Kids

GB Kids is a quick, cost effective way to gauge young people’s attitudes.

Scotland Online

Onlinebus Scotland provides a fast, cost-effective way to reach the Scottish population for a variety of uses.

London Online

A fast, cost-effective omnibus survey providing insight into what makes the capital tick, with an expert eye on the UK’s biggest and most diverse population centre.

GB 24 Hour

When you really need a fast result, this solution delivers in 24 hours. Reaching 1,000 GB adults daily, you can ask the questions today, and get the answers tomorrow.

GB 24 Hour

When you really need a fast result, this solution delivers in 24 hours. Reaching 1,000 GB adults daily, you can ask the questions today, and get the answers tomorrow.

48 Hour Online

When you need results urgently, we can deliver interviews from 28 countries within 48 hours.