The Valuable Vegans: how Irish consumers are changing their eating habits

Veganism is on the rise, for various reasons. Who is most likely to be vegan in the Republic of Ireland, and how can you reach them?
22 January 2020
Eimear Faughnan

Managing Director, Media Division, Ireland

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Whether it be for environmental or health reasons, veganism is a growing dietary choice. With many people deciding to take part in Veganuary to eat vegan food in January, we look at the vegans in the Republic of Ireland and what makes them an appetising audience.

Our TGI Consumer Data shows that 464,000 people (12.2% of the population) in the Republic of Ireland state that they prefer to eat vegan food, almost an 8% increase from 431,000 last year.

Young adults more likely to be vegan

Looking further into those who agree that they prefer to eat vegan food, our TGI Consumer Data reveals they are 71% more likely than the average adult to be aged 25-34 and 35% more likely to be 20-24. When it comes to shopping for vegan product, women are 28% more likely than the average adult to say that they purchase vegetarian/vegan ranges regularly.

Advertising and sponsorship are key access areas to this group

Those who say they prefer to eat vegan food are accepting to advertising and sponsorship, according to our TGI Consumer Data they are 153% more likely than the average adult in the Republic of Ireland to agree that pop up ads allow them to find interesting things on the internet. They are also 187% more likely to say that celebrities influence their purchase decisions and 154% more likely to say advertising within video or computer gameplay enhances the realism of the game.

Beauty and cosmetics are also big with this group, our TGI Consumer Data reveals that adults who prefer to eat vegan food are 144% more likely than the average adult to agree that they spend a lot of money on toiletries and cosmetics for personal use and 138% more likely to say they can’t leave home without make-up on.

Gaming and Cinema top ways to target this audience

When looking at which types of media this audience consume the most, our TGI Consumer Data shows that those who prefer to eat vegan food are 49% more likely than the average adult in Republic of Ireland to be amongst the heaviest fifth of cinema goers and 46% more likely for gaming.

More specifically, when visiting the cinema, this group are 75% more likely than other heavy cinema goers to say Teenage Comedy is their favourite type of movies. Compared to other heavy gamers, vegan food eaters are 129% more likely to have played the Portal series of games.

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