Research, China
The Kantar Marketplace IdeaEvaluate solution provided us with depth of insight and confidence in our NPD submission that we presented to customers resulting in strong engagement and subsequent ranging!
Thanks again for helping shape our pipeline, we have a solid 3-year innovation agenda that we are excited to develop to next stage."

I’m the Head of Client Servicing for Kantar's Insights division, China Shanghai office. My role, simply put, is to ensure that we offer the best of Kantar insights to our clients and help them grow faster and stronger.
The most “interesting” project that I completed recently was “PROJECT SILVER”. We were tasked with decoding the “silver” generation in China (those over 55) in a lot more detail, particularly their lifestyle, spending power and attitudes towards beauty and beauty products. The silver generation is a huge market in China, given that we’re an ageing society. It was also a journey of self-discovery for me, since I’m about to enter the silver generation myself in another decade or so (and my hair has preceded me in joining the club…). Not many projects would allow you to do that, I believe, so it is definitely one of the most memorable projects for me.
I celebrated my 15th year at Kantar in 2019. And Kantar is my second job. I was in business consulting for 2 years before I joined Kantar back in 2004. I wasn’t so sure at that time that I would stay with Kantar for so long, but here I am. I love the culture and atmosphere here, and very much enjoy the sense of belonging and being able to grow together with the company along the years. How fulfilling!