Innovating Ferrero’s holiday confectionary concepts for sweet success

Learn how the Kinder brand used agile insights from Kantar Marketplace to build differentiation.
Alexandra Farina, Innovation Product Manager at Kinder“The Kantar Marketplace platform is intuitive and easy to- use thanks to the sharp and clear dashboard that indicates the strengths and weaknesses of each concept. The visualisation of the drivers and barriers is useful. It is nice to be able to compare concepts directly on the platform and to have the history of all the concepts tested in our concept library. Taking into account the impact on Brand Equity, in addition to the performance on sales, is very relevant to Ferrero, since our innovation strategy is built on our power brands.”


Holiday seasons are critical for confectionary brands and innovation is key to success. In France, Ferrero has been a long-time leader in the holiday chocolate market. In 2020, their flagship brand Kinder enjoyed massive innovation-led growth in volume and value over Christmas. But, in order to maintain its market leading position in the long-term, Ferrero needed to be sure to promote the Kinder offers most likely to drive another successful Christmas.


Using ConceptEvaluate on Kantar Marketplace to gauge consumer interest in three new holiday concepts, the team identified which one was best positioned to drive growth. The optional brand equity module, which is built on Kantar’s Meaningfully Different Framework, was included in the study to provide a robust understanding of how the concepts would impact the Kinder brand over the long-term.


One of the three new holiday concepts stood out as the strongest, being a highly appealing offer that consumers felt would enable them to share happy moments with their kids. While none of the concepts would have a significant impact on the brand’s equity overall, this leading concept would bring the most benefit to Kinder by helping to build differentiation from competitor brands.


This pilot test with Ferrero helped to give them confidence in the decisions they had made in their planning for holiday activation, offering a lens on both sales and brand equity impact.

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