The brand bravery benchmark

A look at consumers' expectations for brands' involvement with social issues, culture, and inclusivity.
30 June 2020
Valeria Piaggio

Global Head DEI, Kantar Sustainable Transformation Practice

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Being a color brave brand means being somewhere on the spectrum of an ally, an advocate, or a brand hero. This entails being aware of the pressures certain consumer groups are subject to – such as exclusion, inequality, discrimination, or racism – while staying vigilant and taking action. Being color brave is not about messaging, but rather about internal and external business practices. Bravery is needed from everyone from leadership to staff members.

Brands need to be prepared to respond to diversity-related tensions with a clear stance, regardless of where these pressures manifest (e.g., retail, social platforms, workplace, etc.). A lack of a response can result in consumer backlash. Developing the right strategy for your organisation starts with understanding how socially engaged, inclusive, and brave consumers expect you to be.

Insights from our US MONITOR show that 68% of US consumers agree that it’s important to them that the companies they buy from make it clear what values they stand for. This percentage rises to 79% for Asian Americans and 82% for African Americans. At the same time, 54% of US consumers agree that brands have an important part to play in social conversations about #metoo or race relations, but it is those high-growth diverse segments that feel this most strongly: 64% of LGBTQ+ respondents and 71% of African Americans, for example.

If you need help to reflect, audit, and plan your brand activation strategies in a future marketplace that expects far more than words, download a copy of the Brand Bravery Benchmark by completing the form below.

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